Investigation of IKIR FEB RAS at Center
- laser diagnostics of the middle and upper atmosphere, included in the list of the Unique scientific equipment;
- magnetic field monitoring studies using a network of observatories equipped with magnetometers that meet INTERMAGNET standards;
- atmospheric electricity research;
- research in the field of monitoring of cosmic rays using a network of observatories included in the Russian national network of cosmic ray stations included in the list of UNU;
- studies of thunderstorm activity and determining the direction of movement of thunderstorms;
- investigation of acoustic emission signals of subsurface sedimentary rocks and the directivity of geoacoustic radiation at various stages of seismic activity;
- modeling of physical processes in the near space system and geospheres;
- application of systems analysis methods and artificial intelligence tools for solving fundamental and applied problems in the main areas of research IKIR FEB RAS